Sessions, Fees & Holiday Dates

Opening hours – 7.30am – 5.30pm, Monday to Friday, term time only but we offer some holiday provision (see below).

Fees from April 2025 will be:

2 year olds:  £6.75 per hour

3/4 year olds:  Universal entitlement – 15 hours funded by the Government for all 3/4 year olds the term after they are 3 years old.  Some children will also be eligible for an up to 15 hours working parent entitlement free (ask the Manager for details). 

Extra hours @ £6.50 pr hr. 

As from April 2024 there is additional 15 hours free Government funding for working parents of two year olds (eligibile the term after they are two years old). Speak to the Manager for details or visit

There is also a charge of £1.00 per session (a session being either a morning or afternoon) for food for snacks. This is a voluntary charge. To opt our please speak to the manager.

Out of School Club for school aged children:

We also have a before and after school club for children who attend Embsay Primary School:

Breakfast Club:

7.30am to 9 am£5.00 Siblings£4.50
8.00am to 9 am:£4.00Siblings£3.50
8.30am to 9am: £3.00Siblings£2.50

After School Club: 

3.30pm to 4 pm: £5.50 Siblings£5.00
3.30pm to 4.30 pm: £6.50Siblings£6.00
3.30pm to 5.00 pm: £8.50Siblings£8.00
3.30pm to 5.30 pm: £10.50Siblings£10.00

Holiday Club:

We offer up to 7 weeks holiday club.  These are the dates for 2024-25 but subject to change depending on demand:

Monday 28th to Thursday 31st October 2024

Monday 17th to Thursday 20th February 2025

Monday 7th to Thursday 10th April;

Tuesday 27th to Thursday 29th May;

Summer Holidays (these dates to be confirmed – please contact the setting for more information)

Monday 28th – Thursday 31st July

Monday 4th – Thursday 7th August

Monday 11th – Thursday 14th August

Please contact us via email or phone for a booking form.

Throughout holiday club all children will need a healthy packed lunch (snacks and drinks provided) as well as waterproofs and sun cream dependent on the the weather. Holiday Club is £32.50 per day, 8.30 am until 5.00 pm with a discount for siblings at £27.50 per day. There is also the option of a part day, 8.30am to 3pm £27.50 with a discount for siblings at £22.50 per session. Payment must be made on booking to secure the place. Places offered on a first come (and paid), first served basis)


Government funding is available for all children from the term after which they are 3 years of age. They are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare for 38 weeks per year. There is also 15 hours of free early education funding available for some 2 year old children, whose family meets the criteria.  For more details contact us or North Yorkshire Families Information Service on 01609 533483.

The government also offers an extra 15 hours per week for working parents if they meet the eligibilty criteria – 30 hours per week in total for eligible 3 and 4 year olds. There is also 15 hours per week funding for 2 year olds for working parents, due to increase to 30 hours per week from September 2025.  For more information contact the manager or North Yorkshire Families Information Service 01609 533483, [email protected] or

We make every effort to keep our fees as low as possible and fees are charged solely to cover our running costs, such as rent and wages. Special arrangements for paying fees can be made in the case of financial hardship or other difficulty. We accept vouchers for payment of fees too. Please speak to our manager for details.

Holiday Dates 2024-25

We have the same holiday dates as Embsay Primary School. For 2024 – 25 they are as follows:

Pre-school closed on: Pre-school re-opens on:

Summer 2023: Tuesday 3rd September

Autumn Half Term: Monday 28th October Tuesday 5th November

Christmas: Monday 23rd December Tuesday 7th January 2025

Spring Half Term: Monday 17th February Monday 24th February

Easter: Monday 7th April Tuesday 22nd April

May Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May – one day only

Summer Half Term: Monday 26th May Monday 2nd June

Summer 2024: Monday 21st July