Embsay-with-Eastby Pre-School Playgroup has been a part of our local community for 55 years!
We enjoy working closely with a wide range of people and agencies to enhance our provision and the experiences of all the children in our care. We regularly welcome visitors into our setting and have enjoyed several educational visits with the children. These are not happening at the moment due to COVID but in the past have included:
- Regular visits from the Community Police Officer for Embsay
- Clergy from St. Mary’s, Embsay
- Visits from Reception Class Teachers at local schools
- Anna & Melissa, TattyBumpkins – Yoga sessions
- Heather Best, Ready, Steady, Pedal – Indoor balance bike sessions for pre-schoolers
We have also been made very welcome on our visits to:
- Skipton Police Station
- Skipton Fire Station
- Embsay Community Library
- Embsay & Bolton Abbey Train Station
- Hesketh Farm Park, Bolton Abbey
- Harlow Carr Gardens, Harrogate
- Malham Tarn
In addition we work closely with the following agencies to support our children’s individual needs:
- Local schools and nurseries as part of the transition process
- Skipton Children’s Centre
- Health Visitors Team, Skipton
- Speech and Language Therapy Team
- Craven Early Help Team
- Airedale Child Development Centre
- North Yorkshire SEN Hub
We are delighted to receive support and Grants from the following local Businesses:
“Partnerships with external agencies and parents is highly successful. Children are supported, and for those children with special educational needs and / or disabilities, they are fully included and their individual needs exceptionally well met. Additionally, the superb input from the supporting agencies, such as the health services, means help and advice is sought to meet children’s needs.” (Ofsted, March 2015)
- North Yorkshire Social Care
- R MacDowell H & D Ltd
- Barclays Bank
- Skipton Charities Gala
- The Hair Shop, Embsay
- The Elm Tree
- Craven District Council
- Embsay Parish Council
- Jacs Trade and DIY Skipton
- Skipton Charitable Foundation (Skipton Building Society)
- Morrisons
- Tesco
- Keelham Farm Shop
- Bob Middleton, Genica Envrionmental
- Duncan Bullough, Bullough Cleaning Services
- Dales Millenium
- The Craven Trust
- Skipton Rotary
- Embsay Village Hall
and many more

We are also in touch with the John Midgely Nursery in Milawi. Parents will have access to photos from the nursery on our Parent Page but here is a Christmas message from them